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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Zac's Final Impressions!!!

Throughout this semester, I have learned quite a bit about our natural world and how others perceive it. From David Orr to “TK”, everyone has their own views on the environment and what we can do to make it what it should be. The many field trips we attended were also great learning experiences and I was able to see so many plants and animals I likely would not have seen otherwise. In terms of possible changes to the course, the only advice I would give is for our field trips to be more hands on. Aside from the canoe trip, we never really engaged in any activities other than site seeing. I believe that if the field trips applied what we have learned in some way that it would have a greater impact. The Wiki presentation had to be my least favorite assignment of the course. I lost track of what we were learning and concentrated more on the format of the site. A Powerpoint presentation would be a more practical choice and would be easier for everyone to use. The reading I enjoyed the most was David Orr’s article about a “nature deficit disorder” and how children are more prone to developing ADHD without nature. That, for me, opened a new window into my respect and concern for nature. I am not quite sure what is available in the area of Fort Myers for us to go to but if traveling out of the state was an option, I believe a national park would be an interesting trip. I had a great time in Colloquium and I feel privileged to have taken this course.

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