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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Field Trip #6 - Canoe Trip at FGCU Marine Lab

Our last and final field trip to the FGCU Marine Lab was a great way to end the semester and our class. It was certainly an experience I will not forget here at FGCU and I’m glad everyone here will take part in it. As much as I liked canoeing and watching a couple classmates flip over in the water, I couldn’t help but notice that we were not really learning much. Yeah we did see Mangrove…..and some Mangrove…and by the way…Mangrove but that was about it. The highlight of the ride was the fish jumping in the water but I didn’t really come back knowing more than I already did. I am sure there is much value to the land and water in which we were on as FGCU would not have established a marine lab there but we were not able to see any part of that. In terms of protecting coastal areas, it is certainly important. There are numerous species of animals that inhabit those areas and protecting their habitat could mean saving an entire species.

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